This website is presented by is not a scam website, and we would like to help you understand the best way to transfer your lease. We want to help educate consumers on how to properly complete a lease transfer.
It has been brought to our attention that some individuals and/or entities posing as legitimate lease buyers have been
contacting consumers selling vehicles via online listing services, including, on a fraudulent basis.
As it applies to lease transfers, they are essentially writing their own contracts, as opposed to the proper way of
transferring a lease under the supervision of the leasing company. In fact, this method of transferring one's lease
('subleasing') is often a breach of contract and may be illegal.
Thankfully, this practice is easy to spot because the only way to properly transfer a lease is through the leasing
company with no exceptions. Anyone who tells you they have another way to officially transfer a lease outside of or
without the knowledge of the leasing company should not be dealt with.
To exit your lease or takeover a lease both properly and safely, contact by calling
1-866 SWAPNOW (1-866-792-8669) or visit, the world's largest lease marketplace.